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Moms Deserve Pleasure Too

Mamas, do you need a break?

A break that involves

Play, dancing, silence, hot tub,
rejuvenation, and peace amidst

a beautiful woodlands? 

It is time for YOU to RECEIVE.

Let's push guilt and second-guessing to the side.
Let's put ourselves first for once.

Your happiness can increase tremendously

in ONE weekend!!!


Gift yourself time away from home,

drop your Mama responsibilities, 
rejuvenate your body and

surrender into receiving!


Come recharge, release, and connect deeply with other authentic mamas so you can be an even better
mother/ daughter/ partner/ friend/ sister.

 We will be using easy to learn, ancient embodiment practices, to create the experience of peace and support that you have been praying for. You will leave feeling lighter with a magnificent radiance.

Friday May 31st | 4pm


Sunday June 2nd | Noon



Nine Mountain

Plainfield, MA

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Who would you be if you...

 Fell back in love with yourself
Created healthy boundaries

Let go and released trauma from your body
Forgave others & found more peace and compassion
Felt empowered & excited about your future
Didn't get triggered as often

Could Experience Deep intimacy in your personal relationships
Opened your heart and expanded into your TRUE being
Rewrote your story


During these 2 days,  we will embark on a journey to uncover your soul's ancient longing. We will experience being deeply witnessed in our most

powerful Divine Mother essence.

Join us as we explore the art of receiving and the gift of vulnerability in a safe sisterhood, unlocking our purest potential and restoring our power as wise bearers and guides of the next generation.  We will create a magical rebirth for ourselves that sweetly nourishes us, and will touch our loved ones upon our return home.


We will awaken the power and magic within you that has been locked up for too long. This lock is affecting the way you show up in your

home, relationships and life.


It’s time to RECEIVE!

If you don’t say YES NOW, When?


This is an invitation to say YES to yourself and let the Universe know that you’re ready to accept, embrace and receive ALL OF YOU in the safest, most sacred and nourishing sisterhood environment. We will be unveiling the most delicious blossoming aspects of self, while we dance, play, indulge, practice, honor, cry, relax and nourish our true inner Divine Queens.

Radiant Mamas
Retreat Schedule

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Friday, May 31st



Welcome Dinner

Seasonal and locally-sourced delicious food served buffet/family style


Opening Ceremony and Radiant Mama Ritual ™

(white ceremony attire)

Saturday June 1st

Morning Movement Meditation



Womb Sharing Circle
Hearts Art Expression



Lunch, Read, Rest and Rejuvenate
20 + Woman's Mysteries and Sex + Books to flip through!
Hot Tub
Hiking trails


Divine Mother Earth Meditation

Pillar Priestess Admiration and Activation 



Adornment Fire Ceremony

(red ceremony attire)

Sunday June 2nd

Optional Sunday Morning Embodiment Practice

Wombyns Sharing Circle
New Moon Closing Ceremony

Free Time


Gratitude from Sacred Wombyn 

I got so much out of the time with Amanda. She held the space with such confidence and depth, I felt safe to go where I needed to go. She was creative and inspiring, I feel much lighter and more connected now. I will definitely be working with her again in the future! ~ Christina

I respect and admire Amanda greatly, not only for her extensive knowledge and experience, but for the way that she integrates it all into her personal life. She does the work, she walks the walk and this is what makes her such a powerful teacher. She is extremely present and radiates the kind of warm, yummy, loving feeling that makes you melt and access deep healing all at the same time.


~ Mariel Y

Presence, compassion and holding. These are three words that come strongly to me when thinking of Amanda Ananda. Her ability to meet me in wholeness and navigate through powerful processes has given me a deep sense trust and security. Time and time again I’ve been shown her power as a space holder and ability to meet me where I need to met. With intuition and a loving hand, Amanda has guided me into shadow aspects of myself that have needed to process & heal.


 ~ Freya

About Amanda Ananda

The Tantric Mama

Amanda is an International Tantra Educator, Professional Cuddler and Domestic Goddess of 2 outrageous young boys. She is The Tantric Mama and Creatrix of ‘Experience Ananda’ - a sacred community space that promotes bliss and healing in Connecticut.


Optional Session Offerings

Somatic Sexology



90 Minute Sessions

Investment $150


Sexological Bodywork is a body centered somatic modality that incorporates touch, breath, sound and deep unconditional presence to the stories held in the body. There are too few places where the stories, longings and frustrations around our sexuality can be heard and held.


As a mother, you hold so much. Your body has given life to another. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you had full access to your innate and vibrant sexual wholeness? Whether you are sharing your sexuality with another or on your own solo journey, I believe connection with our sexuality is our birthright and one that is too often held in the shadows of shame.


A session with me can look many different ways. It is important that we establish a clear and embodied language of consent. After this is established through somatic assessment exercises, sessions may include:


Genital mapping and de-armoring

Scar tissue remediation

Genital myofascial release and trigger point work

Breath and movement coaching

Mindful Self-Pleasure coaching

Boundary Restoration

Anatomy of Arousal


It is worth it to prioritize your sexual well being as a mother. In this way you have full access to yourself which means you can fully hold the unfurling of your little ones. I look forward to supporting you in your journey.


Tap now for more information about the modality of Sexological Bodywork

Wild Woman Photo Shoot


Capture your inner Wild Woman and add a little adventure to your weekend with a personalized photo shoot.


Julie will work with you and guide you to create an amazing and empowering experience.  Choosing between indoor or outdoor photos, you will be able to let loose and find your freedom of expression.


Give yourself the gift of loving you. See yourself in a new light. 

30 Minute Mini - $75
Includes 5 digital images from your shoot


60 Minute Full Boudie - $150
Includes 10 digital images from your shoot
Option to purchase all images available

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Register Now!

Pricing includes

lodging, meals, facilitated sessions,

WIFI & Hot Tub!

Price $625

Mothers Day Special

Ends May 31st, 2019


Private Rooms available but limited, please inquire about cost and availability.

A portion of your ticket is donated to a scholarship
fund to support Mothers in need attending!

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